Web 2.0 welcoming Marketing 2.0

Taken from MarketingProfs:

(…) Web 2.0 is certainly not an ideal term, but it has tremendous value as an umbrella term that communicates the general nature of the more connected, more social, more expressive Web.

Having an overarching term that encompasses lots of hard to understand concepts is a challenge that marketers are having now in talking about the ‘new’ marketing paradigm of using blogs, viral media, conversational marketing, citizen media, co-creative business models, tagging, podcasts, vodcasts, micromedia, microcontent, Internet PR, and the list goes on…

Here will come what we’ll call ‘new’ marketing – open, human, lively, transparent, honest and loyal – hopefully following the Cluetrain Manifesto 95 theses. I know, it will take time. I’m learning patience.