Get ready for Vloggercon conference

Taking place this weekend in San Francisco, the Vloggercon conference will unite vloggers from the world to discuss about new mediums used by people to tell stories: video blogs (vlogs, video-podcasts), podcast, text and photo blogging.

“Some of the participants and video blogging pioneers feel they’re a part of a “media revolution”–one that could finally give people “a viable alternative to commercial TV,” says video blogger Josh Wolf. “People don’t have to sit back and listen to whatever the media is feeding them.


Even the Vloggercon numbers are indicative of the growing video blogging movement. The first Vloggercon, which took place in New York in January 2005, was attended by about 80 people. This year’s event, which runs from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, will host more than 300 people. While there are no more tickets available, sessions will be streamed on the Web and there are also outside events and parties to attend.

The growing numbers have been fueled of late by improvements in broadband, software and hardware. Another major factor was the release last October of the first video iPod and the subsequent hosting of video podcasts on Apple Computer’s iTunes online store.

And consumers have become increasingly comfortable with watching video online, in part because of the exploding number of video-hosting sites such as YouTube, which now lets users set up their own profiles and network with one another based on similar interests.”

Links: Video bloggers ready to incite ‘media revolution’ on Cnet, Vloggercon‘s official site.