Mena’s speech finally made this place rock a bit. She is bringing on an interesting topic about the quality of the conversations that are taking place on weblogs and the quality of our speaches — bloggers are people with opinions but with the rise of blogging and blogging getting mainstream bloggers need to be more civilized and assume a certain level of quality into their writing. Same goes for commenting on people’s blogs, how about not writing comments you wouldn’t be able to chat about about face2face with the person concerned?
Hell nice to see Mena Trott in real, she is one of a kind. Inspiring.
will be updated.
Panel on RSS
– the future of RSS: the core of RSS being about subscription, RSS will kinda be melting into new tools (i personnaly cant wait for the day we wont need the term RSS anymore, only geek and early adopters get what RSS is — ‘Live bookmark’ was already a little more mainstream to use)
– Sites like Digg could be a really interesting solution to bring on the best posts from the blogosphere: Digg is a technology news website that employs non-hierarchical editorial control. With digg, users submit stories for review, but rather than allowing an editor to decide which stories go on the homepage, the users do.
tags: lesblogs, mena trott