Her new album is out real soon. It’s gonna be something of a unique work of art: the music, arrangements, the artwork – absolutely all of it.
She is one of the most original, creative and authentic pop icon of the 90’s (and of the years to come, i am sure).
A swirl of inspiration, she’s a star, in both ways.
Un spécial dans la revue les Inrockuptibles est à venir. Voici un extrait :
“√áa a été comme une révélation: “Wouah ! Mes doigts et mes orteils bougent, mes poumons respirent!” Soudain, je me suis rappelé que le corps humain était un miracle, et que ça ne dépendait en rien de moi. Ce n’est pas parce que je l’ai décidé que je chante : c’est parce que mon corps l’a voulu, et qu’il m’a été donné ainsi.”
More found a little elsewhere:
“Many of the artists at Björk’s level of fame often suffer from musical dictatorship from their major label boss, and as a result the end product you hear is not their music at all. But not with Björk!
She is very much in charge of the music you hear, and I am so envious of her position: she has earnt herself the resources, the team and the musicians to make exactly the music she wants, at the moment she comes up with it. For me that would be a dream come true.”
Shlomo in bjork.com interview, july 2004
* medulla biography
* link to the official site
* lynn fox interview