Kraftwerk live at the metropolis

Ok guys, this is going to be a resume of my french post about the show last night. Sorry if it gets shorter in the translation, but it has been a good party and i’m hoping to hit my bed soon, if you know what i mean…

so… I must admit that most of the time when i see a good show, i tell everyone that this one was the best one i’ve ever seen, but this one was obviously one the best show i’ve ever seen!

You must understand that i have grown up in the 80’s and my biggest influences are mostly bands who where themselves influences by Kraftwerk. Kraftwerk are for me and for most of my friends, a legend. To see them live yesterday was history for most of us.

So yeah, they’ve opened the set with Man-Machine. This was enough for us to make in our pants. It was clear to us that our 50$ (tickets price) were already well invested and that this show would be a key moment in our life.

German band Kraftwerk, ancestors of electronic music with their legendary 4 members, gived us a truly intense performance. They’ve impressed the whole croud (the show was sold out by the way) with songs from their latest album and some of their older hits like tour de france, radioactivity, musique non stop, and computer world (i think i have been pretty well brainwashed by this last song as a teenager, which could explain lots of things related to my intimacy with computers… oh well..).

They have prooven us again that art is a must have for humanity, with their strong melodies and lyrics which are still related to our times – radioactivity (Radioactivity Tune into the melody Radioactivity Is in the air for you and me), Robots (We’re charging our battery And now we’re full of energy We’re functioning automatic And we are dancing mechanic We are programmed just to do anything you want us to We are the robots), Man-Machine, Computer world (I create my own computer, me myself we do the future), Boing ping boom tschak ping (Music non stop, technopop), and lucky us, we’ve got a french version of pocket calculator (I’m the operator with my pocket calculator I am adding and subtracting I’m controlling and composing I’m the operator with my pocket calculator).

We’re not going to forget about this venue, and i’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a key moment in montreal music history.

* + * + *

Je sais que chaque fois que je vois un bon show je dis que c’est surement le meilleur que j’ai vu, mais cette fois ci, ça dépasse pas mal tout ce que j’ai pu voir et entendre live. J’ai grandi avec la musique de kraftwerk, les années 80 et les début de la musique dite ‘techno’. De voir ce band live hier était pour moi un événement historique en sois.

La pièce d’ouverture, Man-Machine était assez impressionnante à voir et à entendre live, que juste à elle seule cette pièce a valu notre 50$ (prix du billet). À partir de là, on était tous bouche bée et on n’avaient d’yeux que pour les 4 allemands sur scène.

Ce fut un show intense, mais surtout droit (ai-je besoin de vous rappeller que les membres de kraftwerk sont allemands, et qu’ils sont les ancètres de la musique ‘techno/électronique’?). Ils on sut impressionner la salle du métropolis au grand complet par leurs compos du dernier album autant que par leurs vieux hit, dont tour de france, radioactivity, musique non stop, et computer world (je crois d’ailleur avoir été brainwasché par cette pièce dans mon adolescence, ce qui expliquerait pas mal de choses…).

L’art est au service de l’homme, et ils nous l’ont encore bien prouvé hier soir. Des mélodies soutenues par des textes forts en émotions et encore bien de notre temps – radioactivity (Radioactivity Tune into the melody Radioactivity Is in the air for you and me), Robots (We’re charging our battery And now we’re full of energy We’re functioning automatic And we are dancing mechanic We are programmed just to do anything you want us to We are the robots), Man-Machine, Computer world (I create my own computer, me myself we do the future), Boing ping boom tschak ping (Music non stop, technopop), et on a même eu droit à la version française de pocket calculator (I’m the operator with my pocket calculator I am adding and subtracting I’m controlling and composing I’m the operator with my pocket calculator).

Un show qu’on a pas fini de se rappeller et qui deviendra sans aucun doute un repère dans l’historique musical à montréal.

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* Album photo du show – Picts of the show.

* Ouverture – Man-Machine, extrait video – short video.

* we are the robots, extrait video- short video.

* Pocket calculator, extrait video- short video.


Here are some reviews of the show:

* Human legends’ robot soul, from the montreal gazette.

* many mores…

Categorized as Music