(if you’re a web designer, maybe it’s better for you not to read this post)
Interesting post on Kottke about content syndication: I think we should probably stop calling it syndication.
If you read the post, you’ll find yourself browsing trough an article about microcontent:
(…) These two client programs (apple’s sherlock and Watson) are the closest examples we have to the eventual user experience of the microcontent browser. Besides being Aqua-pretty, these two are the first mainstream applications to recognize that people don’t want the entirety of the web pages they’re viewing today, they want the tiny portion of the screen that pertains to their task at hand.
If what users want (me included) is to go right to the point and get the info we need quickly as possible, as with microcontent browsing and syndication, i can already see in the near futur a new way to browse information at is purest form: text, plain as it was when the internet started.
Am i thinking too much?