About the last weeks

Uh oh, what’s up out there?

difficult to say anything special about the last 4 weeks.. i have been working a lot on different web design jobs, and can’t find the motivation, energy and courage to go further in my personal projects. I have decided to take it easy for 1 or 2 months, to enjoy life and stop making myself feel guilty for not drawing or painting more. I decided to choose to do less, to put my ‘so heavy career objectives’ aside since they are way too heavy to carry on right now.

And summer is coming, and i want to give myself a break, stop pushing so hard to make things happen for some time. I need to give some freedom to myself, if i dont do it, who’s gonna do it?

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I am into reading ‘Walking in this world’ and found it to be what i needed to read at this time of my life.

I havent read the whole book yet, but i have found enough sparkles in it to let you know about it. Julia Cameron is touching an issue for which i had lots of thoughts lately, starting dance and piano lessons beside working, painting and drawing, and even wanting to take voice and actors’s class.

She point out the fact that several artists, not all of them but some (like her), become interested in many art forms beside the one they use to do. She write about her experience with writing music, about how she thoughts she was turning nuts when she started to hear melodies inside her head and how she realized that we are all not meant for only one kind of art form, but that when the ‘creative channels’ open up, many strange things can happen…

enought about that for now. Here are some really nice quotes taken from the book, for you to open up as spring is comming soon… :

‘creativity is a daily spiritual practice and, like all spiritual paths, it is both mysterious and trackable’

‘the best place to start is precisely where you are. (…) All you need to do is to begin. And then begin again the next day’

‘creativity is inspiration coupled with initiative’

‘When we shift our inner statements from “i’d love to” to “i’m going to”, we shift out of victim and into adventurer.’

‘energy attract energy’

‘Everything is energy. Ideas are simply organized energy, a sort of mold into which more solidified energy can be poured’ (wouhou… ca c’est fort…)

‘There is an infallibility to the law that as we each seek to express what we are longing to say, there is always someone or something that is longing to hear precisely what we have expressed’

‘An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory’ Friedrich Engels

‘art is not linear, and neither is the artist’s life’

‘art may be the finest form of prayer’