Am i living to my full potential?
Are you?
if no, why not??
I am asking myself this question since some days now. I know, i am not living my life to my full potential, even if i would like to. What would mean to live fully for me? what is stopping me now?
To live fully would mean to be able to say and do everything that i feel like to say or do, and this, at the moment where it comes to my mind. To feel free to go in any direction, not waiting for any result, but doing it for the fun of it.
This might be called ‘the process’…
Instead of feeling that i am living fully, i am more likely to see myself stuck in a invisible box, with invisible boudaries, trapped by my fears and expectations… ‘what if i fail, what will the others think, what if i am loosing money, what if i dont have enough time, sleep, food, …’ This ‘what if’, my lack of trust in life, is keeping me away of living my life as fully as i would like to…
This will sound really mathematical, but it might be that 2 elements could resume a way to live our life to the fullest:
‘trust’ + ‘the process’ = living fully
I will write this down in big letters, facing my working desk, to remind me…