Make friends with your pencils

I like to draw and write. Theses days I realize how just a nice new tool (even a 1 Euro buy) can save my creativity and inspire me…

At my last weekly visit to the art store (this “weekly visit to the art store” is one of the main event in my week. I get ready for it everyday, adding small things to buy on my list, things to look for, etc. Sometime, I can even spend 1 hour looking around to all the inspiring material without buying anything! Its like a dream place for me.. a magic garden… So now let’s get back to what I was writing about… ) I bought a nice 1 Euro small drawing/writing book and a huge block of paper with spiral bound (I always have one beside me, it is like a creative house, like entering my own creative garden, and I can open it or close anytime, like now when I need space for writing…)


With those 2 paper books, I’ve got caught by some really nice pencils. I got one green, one pink, and one blue. I’ve bought theses only because I liked them and they inspired me…

So, once home with my new tools (or toys), I got the small 1 Euro book spilling of ideas and drawings colored with my new pencils in less than 2 days. I guess, just to get “inspirational” instead of “practical” material really helped…


About my new pencils…
They were larger than others (the “normal” ones), called “Kids Colors Jumbo”, and water soluble… I couldn’t resist them. But hey, hm, how will theses “new comer” fit with my old time favorites pencils… How will they react in my hands, how will they make the paper look like.. How will we live together.. This can sound a bit silly (even stupid I know), but in fact, that’s the way I felt since I’m so used to all my pencils… (and yes, it always makes me sad to see them getting shorter day after days… but I must find positive sides to it, as the pencils get shorter, as the scrapbooks get thinner, my creativity is opening up a bit more everyday!).

About all this…
Let’s make friends with our tools, let them be friends together… (even if the yellow doesn’t fit with the brown pencil, they might like each other…)

That’s about it for now, I must let my Faber-Castell grip 1337 pencil and get some of this Sunday quiet air which will feed me of new crazy ideas to write about…