1. Perhaps people need to manage their stress, not blame a tool. I for one am 3000% more stressed by a phone ringing than by 65 emails coming in at once. It has little to do with the tool/media, and everything to do with the reaction expected of me: emails allow me to pick my priorities; phone calls want me to be 100% there, for them, now, convenient or not (yes that’s why I have call display, but it doesn’t matter: once I pick up, there will be no re-writing of answers, no thinking-erasing-rephrasing…).

    I often reflect that it’s too bad I can’t be dishonest or inauthentic, because then I would write all kinds of self-help books and rake in the dollars. I can’t, because I cannot believe that anyone will find solutions that actually work in the long run if the solutions are not their own.

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